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Arrival / Dismissal Procedures

Grace Miller students are expected to come directly to school and to go home by the safest possible route.  On their way to and from school, students are to conduct themselves courteously and obey all school and traffic rules.
Arriving at School

Arriving at School

clipart of driving signal lights

School starts at 8:00 AM for grades K-5.  Students should not arrive before 7:50 AM because supervision is not available.  This does not apply to those students enrolled in the School-Aged Care program or those students eating breakfast.  Students eating breakfast may come no sooner than 7:30 AM.  When the 8:00 AM bell rings to begin school, students are to freeze on one knee and wait for the teacher on duty to blow the whistle.  At that time, the students are to WALK to their lines.  The teachers will greet their students and escort them to class.  Students arriving after 8:00 AM are considered tardy and must go to the attendance office for a tardy slip.

Dismissal from School

Dismissal from School

When the teacher dismisses the students at the end of the school day, they are to go directly home, to their designated transportation area, or to their day care provider.  If it is necessary for your student to have after school supervision, Grace Miller offers an excellent school-aged care program.  (See School-Aged Care section.)  Children are NOT allowed to wait after school for siblings or friends who are dismissed at a later time.  Students may not go to another student's home without making arrangements prior to coming to school.  If you want your child to go home with a friend, please send a note to your child's teacher.  The office telephone is for emergency use only.             

If a child is not picked up in a timely manner (10 minutes after dismissal) every effort will be made to contact you or those persons listed on the emergency card, to pick up your child.  There is no supervision provided for your child after school.  If no contact could be made within 30 minutes utilizing the emergency numbers, your child will be placed with La Verne Police Department or Child Protective Services.


Traffic Control

Traffic Control

The safety of the students is the most important goal during drop-off and pick-up.  We all have the responsibility to see that every child is safe.  In addition, we need to keep traffic moving to facilitate student arrival and dismissal in a timely way.  It is imperative that the following rules are observed:

  • The white-curbed area in front of the school is for drop off and pick-up only.  Do not leave your vehicle and please keep moving forward as cars in front of you leave.  
  • Do not stop at red curbs.  Doing so creates unsafe conditions for others (pedestrians, buses, other cars).
  • Children should cross the street only at the 3-way STOP intersection.   It is unsafe to cross anywhere else.
  • Do not pull into the Staff Lot to drop off students.  There is no safe zone to walk.
  • If you would like to walk your child to class, park on one of the side streets or in the Little League parking lot.
  • If dropping off in the Little League lot, please pull as far forward as possible to alleviate other cars blocking traffic in the street.
  • Do not make U-turns anywhere on Holly Oak.  Go to a side street, if you need to turn around. 
  • Do not park next to another vehicle (double-parking) and do not let your child run between cars.  Other drivers may not see your child.
  • Be patient!  You are training your child(ren) on how to follow rules and laws by the example you set.
Walking Students

Walking Students

If students arrive or leave school by walking, they should walk with other students, cross the street only at the pedestrian crosswalks, and go directly to and from school.
Bus Students

Bus Students

The District offers a fee-based bus pass parents may purchase if you'd like your child(ren) to ride the bus.  Bus riders are required to follow all bus rules and instructions by the bus driver.  Infractions of the bus rules may result in bus tickets issued by the bus driver.  The principal will implement consequences on bus tickets issued.  Continual infractions of the bus rules may result in the student's loss of bus riding privileges.  All bus riders are required to have and show a bus pass.  The district transportation department issues the bus passes.  They may be contacted at (909) 971-8200 Ext. 5261.
clipart of school bus filled with students
Biking Students

Biking Students

Only students in grades 3-5 may ride their bicycles to school.  We suggest that all bicycles be in safe condition, be licensed and registered by the La Verne Police Department.  Use of a helmet is a state law.  Students must walk their bicycles at all times while on school grounds, on sidewalks surrounding the perimeter of the school, and when crossing any street.  Bicycles must be parked in our student bike rack and locked.  Students are to provide their own locks.