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Project Boomerang

Project Boomerang

PROJECT “BOOMERANG” Behavior Program Positive behavior is the focus of this new program, which is replacing our Accountability Concepts program of previous years. The Boomerang Behavior Program is based on three important principles of character: RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE, and RESOURCEFUL. This is incorporated with our PeaceBuilder Program and will be monitored through Class DOJO, an online behavior monitoring website. Here’s how it works: Students will earn points in Class DOJO by “increasing the peace” through their actions in the three focus areas. Students will lose points in Class DOJO through actions that “decrease the peace.” Some examples are in the chart below:
  Increase the Peace  Decrease the Peace 
  • Hands Off
  • Shows kindness
  • Helpful
  • Good attitude
  • Friendly
  • Hurting others physically (Pushing, hitting, kicking, grabbing, pulling, pinching, biting
  • Hurting others emotionally (name-calling, teasing, will not play)
  • Negative attitude (angry, rude, disruptive, defiant) t control
  • Self-control
  • Completing classwork
  • Completing homework
  • Doing your best
  • Perseverance
  • Honest
  • Clean up after yourself
  • Not controlling yourself
  • Not completing classwork or homework
  • Not doing your best; giving up
  • Being dishonest
  • Leaving a mess for someone else to clean up
  • Curious
  • Creative
  • Imaginative
  • Brave
  • Solves problems
The key to the success of the program is the connection to home and the support of parents. Parents will be able to link online to Class DOJO and be notified on a daily basis of the points your child has earned/lost and the reason. We may also contact parents via telephone and/or email if necessary, for students who have problems at recess.
Peace Builder Program

Peace Builder Program

Grace Miller School maintains an educational environment that promotes positive behavior, fairness and taking responsibility for one's actions.  The Peace Builder Program is based on five basic principles of peace:

  • Praising people
  • Giving up put-downs
  • Seeking wise people
  • Noticing and speaking up about hurts caused
  • Righting wrongs
  • Helping others

Teachers use lesson materials to help students implement and practice doing the right things.   Praise Notes are given to students who do kind things for others. Students who have trouble are guided through the process to improve behaviors and interactions with others.  The Peace Builder Pledge is recited at our weekly Friday Spirit Assembly.  We want students to notice how their actions affect others positively and negatively and to think proactively about being a good citizen at home, at school, and in the community.


Click here for the Peace Builders website.

Standards for Behavior

Standards for Behavior

Our Grace Miller staff, parents and students have developed a positive program of expectations for student behavior.  These standards were developed to ensure the best possible safety for your child.  All students in grades Pre-K-5 will be expected to follow these standards at all times in the classroom and on the playground. 

All students are expected to:

  •     Come to school prepared and ready to learn.
  •     Maintain an environment that is safe, healthy and promotes learning.
  •     Follow directions the first time and ask questions for clarification.
  •     Respect self and others.

There are consequences for students who are in violation of our school rules. Our staff has developed a progressive discipline program that begins with interventions the teacher uses in the classroom.  These interventions may include notes and telephone calls home and progresses to a discipline referral from the school principal.  Parent support in reinforcing the California Education Code laws, as well as our Grace Miller school rules is greatly appreciated.  Consequences for violations of school rules may include, but not be limited to, a warning, time out during class or recess, detention, loss of privileges, telephone conferences, counseling with the principal, suspension or expulsion.  

Following are the Grace Miller playground rules that must be followed by all students in grades Pre-K-5.  Students violating these playground rules will be subject to the referrals and/or consequences that were previously described.

A.   First and foremost we have a "HANDS OFF" policy.  That means no games are allowed that involve any physical contact between the students.  A child's physical safety is of utmost importance and there should not be an instance where that is threatened, either in play or in anger/hostility.

B.   SLIDE AREA "BIG FOOT:" No running in the sand area or on "Big Foot."  No jumping from one area to another.  One person at a time on the slide.  Always go down the slide - never up!  Do not climb over the retaining wall that separates "Big Foot" from the black top.

C.   HALLWAYS:  There shall be no running, pushing or loitering in any hallway during any time of the school day.  Students should not cross over red lines during recesses.

D.   TRASH:  All trash will be placed in the proper containers.  Students will clean up after themselves in the cafeteria and at outside picnic tables.

E.   RESTROOMS:  There shall be no loitering, playing, yelling or running in any restroom.

F.   SNACK AREA:  Snacks are to ONLY be eaten at the outside picnic tables.  Do not bring any snack foods on the playground. 

G.   CAFETERIA:     Students shall sit at their assigned table, eat in an orderly way using appropriate manners and clean up their area before being dismissed.

H.   FREEZE BELL:  Students are to immediately stop all play, climb down from the play equipment, step outside of courts, get down on one knee, and wait quietly for the whistle to blow before WALKING to their lines.

I.    TOYS:  Toys, electronic games and equipment, dolls, games, etc… are not allowed at school, even on rainy days.  If a student is allowed to bring something to share for a class activity, it needs to stay secured until that time and is not the responsibility of the school if lost.

J.    CELL PHONES/ ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT:  Cell phones and other electronic equipment are not allowed in accordance with Board Policy.  Parents who have a specific need to stay connected to their child by providing a cell phone for use after school should talk with the school principal.

Of course, common sense, respect and courtesy are the best measures for rules.  Our goal is to empower a student to take responsibility for his/her actions.  We also want to model appropriate behaviors for a safe and effective learning environment.

Suspension and Expulsion

Suspension and Expulsion

The following are subject to suspension and/or expulsion and fall under California Education Code section 48900.
A.     CAUSED INJURY :  Caused, attempted to cause, or threatened to cause physical injury to another person.  Willfully used force or violence except in self-defense.

B.     DANGEROUS OBJECT :  Possessed, sold, or otherwise furnished any firearm, knife, REPLICA
or imitation firearm, explosive, or other dangerous object.
C.     CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES INTOXICANTS:   Possessed, used, sold, or otherwise furnished, or been under the influence of any controlled substance, an alcoholic beverage, or intoxicant of any kind.

D.     ROBBERY/EXTORTION:   Committed, or attempted to commit, robbery or extortion.

E.     DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY:   Caused or attempted to cause, damage to school or private property.

F.     THEFT:   Stole, attempted to steal, or knowingly received stolen school or private property.

G.     TOBACCO:   Possessed or used tobacco, or any products containing tobacco or nicotine.

H.     PROFANITY & OBSCENE ACTS OR VULGARITY:   Committed an obscene act or engaged in habitual profanity or vulgarity.

I.     DRUG PARAPHERNALIA:   Possessed, offered, arranged, or negotiated to sell any drug paraphernalia.

J.     DISRUPTION/DEFIANCE :  Disrupted school activities or otherwise willfully defied the valid authority of supervisors, teachers, administrators, school officials, or other personnel engaged in the performance of their duties.

directed against a pupil or group of pupils.
L.     INTIMIDATING A WITNESS:  Harassing, threatening, or intimidating a student who would be a witness in a disciplinary proceeding.

M.     PRESCRIPTION DRUGS:  Offering, arranging to sell, or selling the prescription drug Soma.

N.     HELPING TO INJURE ANOTHER PERSON:  Aiding or abetting the infliction of physical injury of another person.

O.     RECEIVING STOLEN PROPERTY:  Knowingly receiving stolen school or private property, including electronic files and databases.


This information has explained the major disciplinary problem areas and the actions that will result for those students who do not follow the rules.  All students are entitled to due process.  This means there are certain procedures which school officials must follow in taking appropriate disciplinary action.  There are also procedures, which students must follow if they do not agree with the school's actions.
The school principal has the right to suspend a student for a period of up to five days.  In cases of this type, there will be an informal hearing between the principal or his/her designee, the student, and any other appropriate persons.  If, after the hearing is completed, the principal decides that a suspension is necessary, it will become effective immediately.  The principal will attempt to notify parents by telephone before this action is taken and will send one copy of the suspension notice to the parents.
The school principal has the right to recommend to the district superintendent that a student should be expelled.  In cases of this type, the hearing will be conducted before the Governing Board of the Unified School District at the school district office.