Dress Code
The District dress code is in place to protect the children and to help make our school a place where students can focus and concentrate on learning. This dress code is mandatory, thus no waivers are available.
- Clothing must be neat and in good repair.
- Clothing is to be clean, safe, and non-distractive - plain and simple clothing is recommended.
- Shirts must cover the midriff.
- Tank tops must have at least one inch straps.
- Shoes must have a backstrap. Closed-toed shoes are recommended as students engage in P.E. almost every day.
Not Okay (prohibited):
- Holes in clothing including rips and frays.
- Temporary tattoos, face paint, spray-painted hair
- Clothing related to gangs, violence, or illegal activities.
- Shorts, skirts that are too short (above the middle fingertip with arms hanging at one's side).
- Obscene, sexually explicit, suggestive attire.
- Professional sports attire, gloves, hairnets, chains.
- Discriminatory clothing or accessories.
- Oversized (baggy) clothing.
- Sunglasses unless medically prescribed.
- Clothing that reveals underclothes.
- Clothing and jewelry with spikes or harmful accessories.
Hats: The state of California has passed a law allowing hats on campus for students whose physicians or parents feel that a child needs sun protection while outside. Under these conditions, parents may have a plain hat approved by the principal and a student may wear the hat while outside with the bill in the front.