
District Homework Policy
Homework is an integral part of the total instructional program that builds responsibility, discipline and life-long learning habits.
The purpose of homework is to develop good study skills, reinforce classroom instruction, prepare for exams and future lessons, develop proficiency of skills, extend learning through enrichment activities, and provide information on student progress.
Students who miss schoolwork because of an excused absence or suspension shall be given the opportunity to complete all assignments as can be reasonably provided. Students who miss school because of unexcused absences may be able to make up the work for full or reduced credit at the discretion of the teacher.
Homework should be assigned no more than four times per week requiring an average of the following number of minutes per grade level to complete:
Kindergarten 10 minutes
First Grade 10-15 minutes
Second Grade 20 minutes
Third Grade 30 minutes
Fourth Grade 40 minutes
Fifth Grade 50 minutes
In addition to regular homework, students are expected to read outside of school a balance between self-selected and teacher assigned reading at their independent reading levels.
- Grades K-3 80-100 minutes per week
- Grades 4-5 120-150 minutes per week