School Site Council

2022-2023 Grace Miller School Site Council
The School Site Council is made up of parents, teachers, classified staff and the
principal. The council meets from September to June, about three-four times a
year, on a trimester basis. Each year, an election is held to select any new
members. The role of the council is to assist in the development and
assessment of the school’s improvement plan and to monitor the school’s
categorical funding.
The School Site Council is made up of parents, teachers, classified staff and the
principal. The council meets from September to June, about three-four times a
year, on a trimester basis. Each year, an election is held to select any new
members. The role of the council is to assist in the development and
assessment of the school’s improvement plan and to monitor the school’s
categorical funding.
The following people will make up this year’s School Site Council.
2022-2023 Grace Miller School Site Council
Parents/Community Members:
1.) Miguel Garcia (Parent)
2.) Jenah Kellogg (Parent)
3.) Roxanne Maldonado (Parent)
4.) Jennifer Noguera (Parent)
5.) Michelle Romero (Parent)
6.) Miriam Gonzalez (ELAC)
Staff Representatives:
1.) Luz Aguilar-Leahy (Teacher)
2.) Kasey Heal (Teacher)
3.) Robin Henspeter (Paraeducator)
4.) Julie Prager (Teacher)
5.) Leslie Sandoval (Principal)